Going to a school, watching children playing all around, hearing to their naive explanation of things was something that I always craved for.This intuitive interest in children made me instinctively give my name as a volunteer for a social event where we visit a government school and teach them the importance of cleanliness. As a person who had never been at a government school,I am oblivious to the conditions in which government school students study.I was taken aback by the sight of those little kids walking and playing bare foot.I was struck by noticing the dark classrooms without tube lights, unhygienic washrooms, lack of basic amenities like benches, boards, books.I inquired a few of the kids about their life style and their answers left me crestfallen.At a tender age, they started supporting their family by sharing work at home.Eating fruits is a celebrating activity for them.Their pathetic living conditions and their poor educational standards had moved me a lot that I ...
With the notion-"By looking inside ourselves- our values,our prejudices, our customs and thinking outside the boundary drawn by the society" we can bring a great change....!